понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

dewey beach senior week rentals

Over Bayka bestaat al een website, alleen is het bijwerken daarvan soms een beetje lastig. Daarom in plaats van de website, nu begonnen met een weblog. Hierin komen ook alle oude berichten te staan en natuurlijk als er was nieuws te vertellen is. Het zal wel even duren voor alles er op staat dus kom gerust regelmatig kijken. Op de beginpagina zal ik telkens vermelden wat er weer ge-update is en verder zijn alle verhalen te lezen onder de categorien. Daar vind je nu al Bayka's dagboek, maar straks ook bijvoorbeeld Bayka's vriendjes (dieren), iets meer over Bayka's baasjes (familie) en nog veel meer.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

diablo 2 anni

Something crazy is happening.
I use to not dance at clubs. A few weeks ago I said fuck it and went on the floor. Itapos;s so much fun....especially when Courtney does the apos;zombieapos; dance and chases random people around. Freaking adorable. Last night I was in a super huggy mood (my apologies to anyone who hates hugs and endured one anyway). Someone mustapos;ve slipped Prozac in the rum.
Itapos;s weird but Iapos;ve never felt happier. Plus it was great to see everyone Especially a certain few whom I havenapos;t seen in years.
The closer I get to being 30, the less I care about drama and just want to go out and enjoy life.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

fair use chart

I used to get wasted, blow a few lines, make some phone calls, and write seemingly prolific stream of consciousness journal entries. When I sobered up and read my old journal, I was humiliated. I deleted it - just like that (poof) - gone. If only I could erase the mistakes of the past like that. Bleh.
So now Iapos;m sitting here with so little to say, except - Hi, letapos;s pray for little to no drama this time around, and thanks for reading.
I just arrived here in lovely Easthampton 48 hours ago. Iapos;ve slept so well - I remember, at the end of my drinking and drug use, sleeping was impossible. I was so exhausted - and the middle of the night was so lonely. I watched a lot of infomercials in those days. I was not among the living. End-stage alcoholism disrupts the natural circadian rhythms necessary for sleep - plus, snorting coke and adderal all day long didnapos;t lull me to z-ville, either. Even though the past 8 months have been Hellish (more about that in the coming entries), being able to sleep peacefully, eat decent food, listen to music .....those things are amazing me right now. So Iapos;m pretty content.
Thatapos;s not to say the temptation isnapos;t there - it totally is. I spoke to DJ on Thursday night - former best friend, street musician, object alternatively of my lust, affections, and resentment - and heapos;s playing tonight at one of my old haunts. I want to ask him to pick me up but
1) He would probably laugh and tell me to shut up; no way would he drive out here and
2) It would just indicate the beginning of another descent and I believe that one was enough.
God, let these all be firsts AND lasts for me. I have been drinking and using drugs for ten years, and even though I feel like Iapos;m in my late 70apos;s, Iapos;m lucky that I donapos;t look it.
Tonight will go like this:
Hop in a strangersapos; car, hit 2 meetings, come back, play on the internet, fall asleep.
Sleep I might just sleep for a week straight. I have money saved up - and by "money saved up", I mean, a roll of hundreds in my top drawer (that would last the old me about a week - Iapos;m hoping the new me can live on it for a month, or maybe more). My vices are coffee, clove cigarettes, and white chocolate; I can manage.
For the first time in my life, Iapos;ve got no secrets here. So this will probably be boring, but Iapos;m still me, and thereapos;s nothing normal about me at all.

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city durham nc

1. Give mom an early birthday hug (her real birthday is tomorrow, but I'm team leading at the shelter).

2. Buy watch batteries.

3. Celebrate with a late lunch at El Mariachi, Coram's finest mexican restaurant.

4. Locate my old journals in the basement.

5. Spend Michael's Gift Card on cotton yarn and sewing scissors.

6. Take some pictures of leaves.

7. Tease my dad about Palin.

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capital expenditure revenue expenditure

Kristin is:

Shitfaced at Stephanieapos;s. Again.
Thinking about her soulmate.
Watching le "Big Lebowski" man.
Thinking that itapos;s not good to mix whiskey, tequila, and wine.
Parle the most broken French ever.
Loving it.
Wondering what Ianapos;s doing.
Hanging out with Zach, Lisa, Steph, Steph2, Kaley, and Keely.
Excited to finish her Margot Tenenbaum Halloween costume tomorrow.
Ready to go to bed. Again.

Bon soir mes amis

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dmp 3a

When I was little, after weeks of getting ramped up for my birthday in the way that only children can, on the night before my birthday I would suddenly panic. Iapos;d cry and cry, terrified of becoming older. I canapos;t really imagine what that was like for my parentapos;s. You can open a closet door and assure your daughter that no monsters dwell inside, you can tell her that the scratching at her window is only the branch from the birch outside...but there I�am having a crisis about TIME. Iapos;ve been a weirdo, from the get-go. Iapos;m still afraid of getting older, but at least now I�know that how I spend my years are entirely within my control. I�have plans for the next five year time frame, to try and cobble together a modicum of comfort and respectability. Get myself through schooling and starting paying down on a mortgage.� But for now, I will spend my birthday eve doing laundry and getting ready for my workday. I might just be scraping by, but Iapos;m no fool- itapos;s good to be alive.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

fox channel 6 san diego

Because I have nothing to add other then this has been the week from hell....
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now,(even if we donapos;t speak often or ever) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me.

It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.

When youapos;re finished, post this little paragraph in your LJ and see what your friends come up with.
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